Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tea Party 2010, Honolulu

My friend's husband right in the middle, Tito Montes. He went to the Tea Party last year and was asked to run for a State Senate seat this year, after speaking during open mic. He never wanted to be in politics, but we the people are going to have to start getting a spine and standing up to big government.

"Equal Rights NOT Equal Stuff"

April 15th, I decided that the kids needed to understand the role of government, why we became a nation and what we can do to protect our nation "as stated under the Constitution". I have always agreed with the Tea Party movement and believe that it is not just over taxation that is making Americans mad, but the way the government spends the money and the way the government has grown so large that basic civil and Constitutional rights are being violated. Ella feels very passionately about this, probably from watching me, and Eli is understanding what sacrifices were made by our forefathers when creating this great Nation. To say the least, we are living in a time where our children need to know what the Constitution says, so we and they can make sure their rights are protected and they do not have to know what it is like to live where the government controls the people, instead of "We the People" as stated in the Constitution.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Just Emmy

I decided to cut off Emersyn's thin, frizzy hair and it turned out so cute. I keep wondering if she is my kid, though. I know she is Randy's, just look at her face!!!

Daddy was reading to Emersyn one night and she fell asleep on his arm, oh, how adorable this photo is!

And she is officially our superhero with muscles! She loves dressing up in any costume she can get her hands on....well, her favorite one is her "birthday suit" but I am trying really hard to break her of that!

Better late than never

February was exciting....MiMi and Pops were here visiting along with Uncle Rick and Aunt Trena. December, January and February were exhausting for me since I was so sick, but we are ready for more excitement! Eli and Emersyn danced for us while we waited to eat at our favorite restaurant with a view "Hale'Iwa Joes, Kaneohe".

Emersyn tried ice skating for the first time and loved it. If I can get her standing alone, she can start lessons! She is growing up way to fast for us.

Eli finally lost his first tooth in March. He really felt like he would never lose any, but by the look of his x-rays, all of his teeth will be falling out shortly to make room for the monster teeth that are waiting to come in! Can anyone say T-Rex teeth?!?