Saturday, August 20, 2011

Straight from the water!

We were baptized on Aug 14, 2011. The funny thing is, is that was Everett's original due date, which is probably why it is so easy for me to remember! Emmy was the center of attention until we finally went in the water of the North Shore in Hale'iwa Hawaii. Many people ask why we felt we needed to be baptized, even though Randy I were both baptized as infants and then I was again as a teenager. My response is that Jesus was baptized as an adult, of a knowing age, the time when he was able to choose which direction he wanted to take his life. Ella was baptized (while the others were not) because she recently accepted Jesus and I really feel that she is at an age of "knowing" what it means to accept Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior! That doesn't mean that Eli and Emmy do not know Jesus, it just means that you have to understand what it means to be a Christian, not just leap into something that Daddy and Mommy says is right!

Ev turns 1 and a tea party

Everett turned 1! His super sweet sister baked him a yummy cake and even decorated it, but guess what? he didn't want anything to do with it! He touched the frosting and cried. So I stuck a little frosting in his mouth and Viola, he was ADDICTED. All of that sugar he has never had before....Needless to say, I had to scrape off the frosting and throw it away, even taking most of the cake and throwing it away, all because he was eating it like a madman! I should have known he was going to try to eat the entire piece of cake!

It was time for a "Spot of Tea". Everyday Emmy asks if we can have a tea party. She seriously thinks she is "In Training" to be a Princess! Of course, she is always going to be our Princess!