Saturday, March 28, 2015


This boy.  This boy has probably been more courageous than anyone (besides Emersyn) that I know.  Besides having his best friend go from wild and crazy to sick and immobile, he really lost his mom for quite a few month while I was in the hospital with Em.  But he has done such an amazing job of being understanding and kind, especially on the days when Emmy can't stand him.  And we know why Emmy gets mad..

Everett can talk, and walk, and run and talk-back (oh, not sweet little Everett!) and grab her toys without being able to run after him.  He can open the doors, go outside and do chores (Emmy loves doing chores).  And She can't.  And it breaks my heart that she is so jealous, but she has every right to be.

But it isn't Everett's fault.  And he always forgives Emmy after she refuses to play with him, let him in her room or even be gracious when I want to take him out on a son/mommy date.  He always tells her "Good Morning" and asks her questions, even when he knows he won't understand her answers.  He offers her drinks, food and sweets without being asked to.  He truly has a heart of gold (kind of like our other son).

And he rarely shows any resentment that I spend hardly any one on one time with him, except when he asked if just he and I could run away together....That ripped me apart.  I wish I could, even for a day...

And then I catch him kissing Emmy's cheek the other day asking her "Marry Me, Emmy" I am reminded that no matter what Emmy's condition is, Everett will love her unconditionally forever and ever!

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